Men should… ask themselves if they sweat at the right moments

While sweating, or perspiration, is a natural body function that plays an essential role in keeping us healthy, it is not always a good thing. The moisture on your skin seeps into clothing, causing dirty stains when the salt dries from your sweat. Perspiration not only makes you look unattractive, but it is also fragrant and a medium for bacteria growth.

Although society often strives to make us sweat as little as possible, there are times when it is good to sweat. As a result of this paradox, it can be difficult to decide when to actively work to suppress it with deodorant and when to allow yourself to work up a sweat.

Let’s see when it’s good to sweat and when to take steps to keep it under control

When sweating is good

Sweating is highly desirable during exercise. It offers three main benefits: pain relief, positive moods and detoxification.

Pain relief
When you go to a Hot Yoga class, you notice something interesting about getting hot and sweaty. That nod in your neck that you couldn’t get rid of mysteriously disappears during your session. This pain relief occurs because exercise stimulates the neurochemical pathways in your brain that produce pain-relieving endorphins.

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Endorphins also cause a significant change in your mood. So the next time you’re in a bad mood – angry, stressed, depressed, or worried – do something that makes you warm enough to sweat, like a run.

Sweating opens the pores in your skin. Not only does the sweat help improve your complexion, as the dirt builds up in your pores, but it can also help your body get rid of other systems that clog substances like alcohol or excess salt.

When sweating is not good

While sweating during exercise can produce beneficial health outcomes, it is problematic in many social situations. Here are some examples of when to take measures to prevent sweating by taking a cool shower, getting dressed without using too many layers, and using antiperspirants:

When giving a speech
Sometimes you sweat during a speech because the room is too hot, or when the spotlights heat the stage your body, but most of the time you sweat just because you are nervous. Since you are standing in front of the room discussing a topic, it is important that you exude confidence to win people over to your point of view. When you start to sweat, people can get the impression that you are nervous because you don’t know what you are talking about.

During a job interview
Usually, the heat in the room is rarely the cause of sweating during an interview. Chances are you have too many layers of clothing because you are trying to look sharp. You are probably nervous too. Unfortunately, sweating during an interview gives the impression that you are not sure that you can do the work.

During a date
Of course you want to look cool, calm and collected on a date. You don’t want to look nervous or emit a strong odor. It just doesn’t work no matter how charming you try to be.

When attending a meeting
The social impression you make during a meeting can affect your career, especially if the meeting is for some type of business or event in the community.

Basically, there are times when you need to sweat because it’s healthy for you, but there are other times when you need to do everything you can to avoid sweating because it can result in uncomfortable social situations, especially that can affect your future success. Time for deo!
